Artwork from Pyramid Atlantic Art Center's More Than Words after school art program was on exhibit Saturday at Pyramid's gallery in Silver Spring, Maryland. Students from Silver Spring International Middle School came with their parents and other family members and proudly showed off their creations. For most, this was the first time their work had been exhibited in a professional gallery. Several students led a mini hands-on bookmaking workshop to parents demonstrating one of the bookmaking forms they learned in class - the accordion.
The More Than Words program focused on using storytelling, bookmaking, and printmaking techniques to promote creativity and build youth literacy. This time the focus was on recycling. The exhibit featured altered artist books, prints made from styrofoam plates and collographs, collages made from recycled slideholders, and magazines and a paper quilt featured above, made from paste paper squares created by the youth. I team taught the 20 classes with master storyteller Ellouise Schoettler.